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Church Administration

Church Administration

More than Forms

These church administration tools serve to help churches implement their limited resources (money, time and people) in a prioritized manner. They guide the church to achieve its mission efficiently and effectively.

Church administration tools, policies …

Here you’ll find documents dealing with church bylaws, resources for conflict resolution, medical coverage advice, counseling policies, and much more.

Partners in ministry

You’ll also find resources from ministry partners Guidestone, Brotherhood Mutual, and LifeWay.

Still can’t find what you’re looking for? Call or email and we’re happy to work with you.

Quick Contacts

Ray Swift


Keri Murphy

Ministry Assistant

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Abuse & Protection

Preventing Abuse & Harassment

In Fall of 2020 a new Louisiana law (ACT No. 123) was passed adding protection to churches and employees relative to disclosure of possible charges of sexual misconduct, sexual abuse, sexual harassment, sex trafficking, sexual assault, or other sexual offenses.

Download entire Senate Bill

Background Check Options
Child Protection Resources
Church Security

Compensation & Personnel

Customized Compensation Report

Church Search and Personnel Committees seeking a salary packages information for various staff positions can email Ray Swift for a customized compensation report. This report, provided by GuideStone Financial Resources, offers data on like-sized Southern Baptist churches, not only in Louisiana, but also in adjacent states to provide a more accurate report.

Please provide an estimated average attendance in worship and annual budget total when requesting through the emails above.

There are no costs for this service as your church’s gifts to the Cooperative Program provide for this ministry.

Download Compensation Estimator Tool

Compensation Planning
Personnel Issues


Church Budgeting
Credit Card Policy for Churches


GuideStone sponsors the nation’s largest Christian-based, socially screened registered mutual fund family. They offer a full suite of retirement, insurance, investment management services and more to churches, universities, hospitals and others. They can answer questions about a number of topics, including: insurance, retirement, and tax strategy.

Reasons to Choose GuideStone
  • Widespread eligibility – if you receive W-2 taxable income from a church, church-related school or association affiliated with a Baptist state convention, you’re eligible for the 403(b)(9) Church Retirement Plan.
  • Christian-based, socially screened funds – these funds do not invest in any company that is publicly recognized, as determined by GuideStone Financial Resources, as being involved in the liquor, tobacco, gambling, pornography, or abortion industries, or any company whose products, services or activities are publicly recognized as being incompatible with the moral and ethical posture at GuideStone.
  • Flexible contribution options – both the employer and the employee can contribute to the retirement account. Employee contributions conveniently are made by salary reduction.
  • Tax Benefits – employer contributions are not subject to current income or SECA taxes, earnings on contributions grow tax-deferred until withdrawn, both tax-sheltered and ROTH options are available, higher contribution limits than a traditional or ROTH IRA.
  • Award Winning Performance – GuideStone Funds was honored at the 2012 Lipper Fund Awards in New York City.  GuideStone ranked No. 1 out of 182 eligible companies for its consistently strong risk-adjusted investment performance across broad asset classes.
Finding the Right Medical Coverage

There are 4 steps you can take to determine the tight medical coverage for your staff.

These four short videos by GuideStone will answer many of your questions:

Step 1: Select a Benefit Strategy
Learn about four common insurance strategies available in the marketplace.

Step 2: Maximize Tax Savings
Analyze tax-savings strategies and see if they will work for your ministry. Download the handout.

Step 3: Pick a Plan
Compare common health plan designs and learn how they work.

Step 4: Round Out Your Benefits
Discover how low-cost life, dental and disability insurance adds value to your benefits package.

Speak to a Medical Plan Expert

For churches with:


Media Resources

Operational Resources

Church Bylaws
Following COVID-19
Performing Weddings in Louisiana

Sample Job Descriptions

Taxes & Insurance

Sales Tax Exemption

More Church Administration

Resources for ministry assistants and church secretaries; subscription-based

Free resources on background checks, church and school safety, online training, podcasts, legal advice

Federal statutes and resources for preventing child abuse, neglect, and human-trafficking

Church finances, taxes, legal issues, and safety; subscription-based

Articles and documents

Church staff insurance

Federal forms for taxes and information

Funds management for cash reserves, designated accounts, endowments and other types of accounts

Church resources, ministry articles, and background checks information

Resources to help protect children and those who serve them

Risk management resources for churches

Resources to help manage the day-to-day operation of ministry