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What Do We Offer?

If you are interested in learning more about the various ministries provided—and supported—by Louisiana Baptists, you’ve come to the right place.

View Our Ministries

Whether you need resources for events, classes, or mission projects, we have something to help your ministries thrive.


Kid Ministry

Learn God’s Word and compete with other churches.

Training, legislative awareness and advocacy.

Our yearly special needs camp for kids and adults, aged 8+.

Fill your summer with praise, activities and more at camp.

A retreat for our Preschool and Children’s Ministers.

Teaching children what God is doing through missionaries.

VBS is an important part of your child’s summer.

Youth & Collegiate Ministry

Igniting a passion in our teens to follow after Jesus.

Learn God’s Word and compete with other churches.

Helping college student grow in Christ on our campuses.

A website mobilizing college students into the mission field.

Adult Ministry

Strategies for ministering to young and senior adults.

Preview LifeWay’s January Bible Study each year.

Conference for church administrative assistants & secretaries.

Helping men commit to leading in the local church.

Engaging women in missional living and ministry.

Resources in the areas of personal and mass evangelism.

Sunday School / Small Groups

Training conference and resources for Sunday School leaders.

Our Sunday School training Youtube channel

Promoting sound Christian education for educators.

Strategies for churches that are struggling to disciple adults.

Strategies for churches that are struggling to disciple adults.

This challenge is a partnership with 30 pastors and ministers.

Become part of the life-changing, transforming work of God.


Alleviating poverty, reducing hunger, and promoting Christ.

A fellowship of Christian campers who share their faith.

Sharing the Gospel. Connecting. Let’s serve others.

In times of trouble, Louisiana Baptists are here to help.

A website mobilizing college students into the mission field.

Providing low-cost first unit buildings for mission churches.

Assisting churches to engage in missions partnerships.

Minister to women in the LCIW system.

Offering help in various areas of church missions.

Pastoral Ministry

Consultants to encourage and assist smaller church pastors.

A step-by-step guide for churches searching for a new pastor.

Connecting churches and ministers in ministry.

Resource for a brief pastor sabbatical with church oversight.

A men’s chorus composed of music leaders and musicians.

A choir made up of Louisiana church choir members.

A choir made up of Louisiana church choir members.

Assisting with pastor search, resumé services, and more.

Church Planting / Revitalization

Our pathway towards church revitalization.

Helping churches in need of a replant.

Assisting churches desiring to multiply across Louisiana.

Tools for Ministry

Giving churches a chance to give their testimony.

Our Sunday School training Youtube channel

Combining our resources to support far-reaching missions.

Faithful stewardship is foundational to our commission.