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The fear of the Lord is pure, enduring forever. The decrees of the Lord are firm, and all of them […]
Let's make Memorial Day a special day of prayer for our country, remembering the families of those who have lost […]
Graduating from high school, or college for that matter, is like being pushed into the deep end of the pool […]
I have often said that umpiring youth baseball helped me become a better pastor and a leader. Here are ten […]
I am humbled to be elected as your Executive Director. As I have prayed about my role, I want to […]
RePlanting is a way to redeem the property, organization, and investments of previous generations for the vision of a church […]
Multiplication is a must for every church and a path to every church getting healthy and getting involved in planting […]
Have you ever considered the fact that Jesus commanded us to regift? Because of His love for all people, He […]
As we make a final push to 300 new churches, we want to invite you to explore your church’s multiplication […]
Here are some common steps that some pastors take to learn more about a prospective church.
Here are a number of tools to help churches who are beginning to search for a new pastor.
It ain’t about how hard you hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How […]