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Here for You

Here for You

Here for You

Here for You is a multi-media outreach effort designed to direct people to the Gospel and to the church.

Screens are everywhere, and they provide an opportunity to reach others for Jesus.

What are the Goals of
Here for You?

  • Infiltrate and influence the culture with the truth of God’s word.
  • Create opportunities for spiritual discussions.
  • Motivate those seeing/hearing the message spots to check out the Gospel and local Louisiana Baptist churches.

Here for You Vital Signs

Is Here for You you having an impact?

Digital Stats

Targeted Display
August:       391,588
October:      552,222
November:  555,889

Targeted Video
May:             163,450
July:              161,257
August:        161,976

Targeted Video Completed Views – Statewide
May:            126,736
July:            143,439
August:       151,304

Targeted Video Completed Views – % of Views Completed
May:            87.27%
July:            88.95%
August:       93.41%

Web Stats

Web Page Views:
December:    495
January:         892
February:       412


Church Searches:
December:   14
January:       13 
February:      10

Billy Graham Evangelistic Association Partnership

Here for You Gospel Presentation Views:
November:    1210
December:      491
January:          385

Indicated Decisions:
November:   23
December:    17
January:          3

Third Quarter Broadcast

% of Households Reached

Market Areas Reach
Alexandria 99%
Baton Rouge 93.2%
Lafayette 95.9%
Lake Charles 98.8%
Monroe 99%
New Orleans 95.4%
Shreveport 87.3%
Digital Stats

Targeted Display
May:            401,455
July:            388,160
August:       391,588

Targeted Video
May:             163,450
July:              161,257
August:        161,976

Targeted Video Completed Views – Statewide
May:            126,736
July:            143,439
August:       151,304

Targeted Video Completed Views – % of Views Completed
May:            87.27%
July:            88.95%
August:       93.41%

Web Stats

Web Page Views:
December:    495
January:         892
February:       412


Church Searches:
December:   14
January:       13 
February:      10

Billy Graham Evangelistic Association Partnership

Here for You Gospel Presentation Views:
November:    1210
December:      491
January:          385

Indicated Decisions:
November:   23
December:    17
January:          3

Second Quarter Broadcast

% of Households Reached 

Market Areas Reach
Alexandria 99%
Baton Rouge 98%
Lafayette 99%
Lake Charles 99%
Monroe 99%
New Orleans 82%
Shreveport 87%

How Can You Connect with Here for You?

For Here for You to have maximum impact, you must let your community know you’re behind, or part of, this effort. Here are six ways you can prepare your church and inform your community.

Inform your church of this effort

Share the Crossroads Video and the Here for You PowerPoint with your congregation.

Download the Connecting With Here for You  PDF brochure for ideas and resources.

Evaluate your front door

Evaluate your method of welcoming/following up with guests.

Listen to Thom Rainer’s podcast on “Six Simple Adjustments to Becoming a Welcoming Church.”

Download the “How to Make Your Church Visitor Friendly” PowerPoint and Listening Guide.

Prepare Your People

One of the goals of Here for You is the Lord will use these message spots to create opportunities for spiritual discussions. When He answers those prayers – will you be ready?

Every year thousands of people in Louisiana are indicating decisions for Christ via Billy Graham’s internet evangelism effort. We are partnering with the BGEA to follow up on these decisions.

Here is how you can be involved:

Become familiar with the website. This is the gospel presentation of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and is the link used on Consider including this link on your website and Facebook page.

Consider becoming a referral church. Click here to find out how you can have your church included in the Billy Graham database. Once approved, your church will appear when someone enters your zip code or a zip code near you.

Sign up to become a Chat Coach, Email Coach or Discipleship coach.

Train your members to share their faith. Click here to learn more.

Select a neighborhood around your church and leave door hangers giving people the opportunity to share prayer requests. Schedule a time to pick them up and pray for the requests. (Click here to order door hangers or download a prayer walking guide)

Download and share the Here for You – Sermon PowerPoint based on Mark 4:26-29.

Get Connected

Connect your church to the Here for You splash page.

Embed the following HTML code to create a link at the top of your webpage and people who visit your site will know you are connected to this effort and visit the splash page directly from your webpage.

 <!--Copy and paste the following to your website-->

<a href="">Louisiana Baptists - Here For You</a> 
Connect on Facebook

Visit Louisiana Baptists on Facebook.

Download & Share Graphics

Download and share the following graphics to connect with Here For You.

Share the Messages

Visit You can share them on your church or personal Facebook page and encourage your members to do the same. Or start from the Here for You homepage.


Intentionally and consistently pray for Here for You. Ask God to allow the messages to get inside every heart and every home.

Turn down the radio on the way to/from work and pray for your neighbors as you drive by their homes.

Pray for the people in the cars in front/behind/beside you.

Put Here for You on your church prayer list and ask the Holy Spirit to allow the seeds of God’s word to sink deep into the hearts of those who see the messages.

Order the Here for You picture frame refrigerator magnets for your members as a visual reminder to pray for this effort. Click here to order.

Download the Here for You Prayer Walking Guide and prayer walk your neighborhood on a regular basis.

Frequently Asked Questions

What can you expect from Here for You?

Using current forms of communication, Here for You should create opportunities for you to connect your church to this effort (see How can you connect with Here for You above) and provide opportunities for your members to share their testimonies, share the Gospel and extend invitations to your church.

Where is Here for You now?

Here for You launched statewide in February of 2019.

Who are we trying to reach?

We are leveraging the most current forms of communication to consistently and creatively reach the estimated 2 million or more people in Louisiana who do not have a relationship with Christ.

What are the benefits for area churches?

Church members will be able to see their Cooperative Program and Georgia Barnette gifts at work, seeding the truth of God’s Word in their communities.

Church members will have opportunities to share their testimonies, the Gospel and extend invitations to their church.

Churches will have the opportunity to welcome people whom their members have invited as well as others who may attend as a result of seeing the message spots.

How are the spots created?

The Here for You spots are primarily based on the words of Jesus. The goal is to take the truth of a verse and make a practical application of that truth to a specific demographic audience.

What not to expect from this effort?

You should not expect people to automatically attend your church simply because they see one of the message spots on TV, via social media or other media platforms. Most people will attend because someone from your congregation prayed for God to use Here for You to open the door for a spiritual conversation and, following the Spirit’s prompting, acted upon the opportunity.

What tools are being employed?

Primarily broadcast and cable TV as well as social media. The platforms (radio, billboards, newspapers, etc.) will vary depending upon the demographic audience being engaged.

How is Here for You being funded?

Currently Here for You is funded through your gifts through the Georgia Barnette State Missions Offering and the Cooperative Program

Why Are We Doing This?

They are worth it! There is not a person you’ll pass today that is not worth it.

Let’s do this!

If you have other questions regarding Here for You or if you need additional information, please email or call 318.448.3402 or in LA 1.800.622.6549.