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Don’t just abandon these digital efforts when you’re given the green light to return to full capacity in your facility.
Look for those areas that might be easy to overlook and include them in your plans as you re-gather.
Here are a few things you should consider as restrictions lessen and we start to meet again.
If you are considering adding a streamed service or posting videos for replay viewing to your ministry, here are a […]
In our self-focused, narcissistic culture this truth often gets lost. It’s not about us, it’s about them.
The 2019 Louisiana Baptist Convention was held November 11-12 at the Alexandria Riverfront Center in Alexandria, LA.
Jesus tells us the harvest is plentiful but the laborers – not so much. By definition labor implies sweat equity.
As soon as the celebration has concluded, it is time to start evaluating and planning for the next Sunday School […]
What comes to your mind when I say the word “evaluate”? If the image is negative, I want to change […]
Along the way, we need to show appreciation towards one another for the ways that God uses us.
If there are not regular and consistent measurements taken, how do you know how it’s going?
Great goals are only the first step in achieving success in the Sunday School Challenge. A goal describes what you […]