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Ministry Safe

Ministry Safe

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Protect Everyone

Safety is the goal. Ministry Safe was founded by Gregory Love and Kimberlee Norris, both sexual abuse attorneys in Texas, to help churches and ministries meet legal standards of care and therefore, reduce the risk of sexual abuse with preventive measures.

Ministry Safe is based on a 5 Part Safety System:

  1. Awareness Training: We can’t reduce a risk that we don’t understand.
    1. Equip ministry leaders, church staff and volunteers to recognize the offender’s “grooming process.”
    2. Online training resources are available.
  2. Skillful Screening: Keeping the wolf out of the sheep pen.
    1. Ask the right questions to recognize high-risk answers.
    2. Sample screening forms are available online.
  3. Policies and Procedures: Policies are what you do, not what you say you do.
    1. Policies must be made to fit the specific needs of a church.
    2. Customizable sample policies are available online.
  4. Background Checks: Necessary, but not all that is needed.
    1. Less than 10% of abusers will encounter the criminal justice system.
    2. MinistrySafe Control Panel is a software program enabling a church to order seven levels of background checks.
  5. Monitoring and Oversight
    1. Control Panel provides a simple and efficient ongoing safety system for churches and ministries.
    2. Check out for more information.

Looking for more Church Administration tools and assets? Visit our webpage, email Jeff Ingram, or call 318.449.4227.

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Jeff Ingram
Jeff was the Adult Ministry and Church Administration Strategist before retiring from Louisiana Baptists in 2024.

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