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Make Disciples

Make Disciples

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Go and make disciples.

Simple, direct and to the point.

You would think that Christians would know Jesus commands us to go and make disciples. Why is it then that many of our actions as a class or small group do not reflect this purpose?

I believe that the church’s best strategy to make disciples is through small groups (special note to my friend Brian Haynes, Senior Pastor at Bay Area Church in South Houston, who says, “the best discipleship strategy is in the home”).

For those of us who are the church, we are to make disciples everywhere we go. It just makes sense that we would provide the environment where that can happen best (i.e. the small group).

I believe that every effective, disciple-making small group needs four priorities. Some of those we will be better at than others, but our attention and our focus must always return to these four things.

  • Share the gospel with the lost.
  • Develop biblical community.
  • Help people to grow spiritually.
  • Equip people to live missionally.

The ReGroup strategy is built off of this one purpose and four priorities. You can help your class or group to “ReGroup” around this core message and these objectives.

For more information about the ReGroup strategy and events and resources, go to

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Sean Keith
I am the Sunday School/Discipleship Strategist. My goal is to assist Louisiana Baptist Churches in developing and utilizing their small groups strategy to make disciples and accomplish the Great Commission. I would love to assist any church in developing a path forward towards a healthy, growing church.

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