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Four Things a Pastor Should Avoid Saying Publicly

Four Things a Pastor Should Avoid Saying Publicly

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We all develop and grow over time. So I am not advocating that I always say the right words at the right time when I am speaking. Mercy, I have and will continue to make plenty of blunders as long as the Lord gives me opportunity to keep speaking. However, there are some phrases that a pastor should avoid saying when called upon to speak.

I hope you will accept with a small touch of humor this advice below. Avoiding these phrases will keep you from speaking randomly, keep you from embarrassing yourself, and most of all keep you from tainting the very precious and powerful Word of God. 

I Don’t Have Any Notes Written Down…

Wait a minute. You knew that another Sunday was coming and you didn’t need to prepare any notes. Only a few men have that gift, but I would say 98% of us need to have some notes to follow when we preach a fresh Word from the Bible. Some may choose the full manuscript, some may use a full outline, and still some may use an abbreviated outline. Whatever method you are comfortable with using use it but don’t admit that you didn’t write down any notes to share. Don’t go into the pulpit without diligent preparation, your Bible, and some notes in hand.

I Only Had A Short Notice To Prepare…

If you begin your teaching lesson with these words you might as well just tear up your notes and close in prayer. Just as soon as you say something like this,  you will lose your audience. Maybe you didn’t have as much time as you like to prepare, but you don’t have to announce that to your listeners. Instead, spend the time you have been given adequately preparing and trust God to honor your obedience and preparation and do the rest.

This Is my First Time To Do This…

Or it might be “I’m out of my comfort zone.” Well, if you made an authentic “yes” to the request, you will do just fine when you trust God to help you. Sometimes we are all called on to speak at different places and events where we have never spoken before. However, these words will turn your audience away quicker than you may imagine. No, you don’t need to jump in there and pretend you are someone you are not. Just be obedient and do your best as if this may be the only time you are given the opportunity.

I Will Probably Not Say Anything You Haven’t Heard Before…

As if your audience has heard everything from the Bible. Unless you are preaching the same message every week to the same people, this is impossible. Again, if you introduce your topic in that manner, you will automatically lose your audience. God’s Word is powerful, effective, sufficient, and relevant. If you have studied and prepared to say what the Lord gives you – you will say all and everything that every person needs to hear at that time. Never discount God’s Word spoken at the right time for the right reason. God’s Word is fresh every time we speak it.

I am thankful every time the Lord allows me to speak somewhere. As nervous and apprehensive as I may be sometimes, I am also thankful that I have the Holy Spirit guiding me and preparing the listeners to hear what God has placed on my heart and for them to hear what they need to hear.

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Ray Swift
Ray serves as the Pastoral Leadership director for Louisiana Baptists, and loves to help pastors and churches succeed in their ministries.

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