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To REACH or Not To REACH; That is the Question!

To REACH or Not To REACH; That is the Question!

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There are three primary objectives to Small Group Ministry, famously stated as Teach, Reach and Minister. However, I prefer to use the descriptions; Reach and Enroll New People, Teach for Life Change, and Involve Members in Ongoing Ministry. Each of these descriptions provides a clear objective.

When the Covid 19 pandemic hit, we instinctively knew we had to check on one another. We also knew that we needed to engage people in the study of God’s Word. But sadly, the last objective, Reaching and Enrolling New People, became a victim.

There has never been a point in my lifetime that people were more fearful and anxious than in today’s pandemic environment. On September 11, 2001, our country took a disastrous hit to our sense of safety. Unlike our current situation, back then, people turned to the church for support and encouragement. Compare that to how Covid 19 has separated us from family, friends, the workplace and most importantly—the church. Around the world people are searching for hope. Are we paying attention? The world is screaming in agony.  Yet, it may appear that we are more concerned with ourselves than we are with a lost and dying world.

Don’t misunderstand me. We need to care for one another. We need to reassure and encourage one another and forsake not the assembling of ourselves—in person or online. But, we also need to be light to a dark world. And believe me, it looks very dark right now.

I’d like to make a suggestion. In the midst of caring for family, friends and church members, would you commit to focusing once or twice a day on one person who is not connected to any church or Small Group? Pray for this person every day. Call, email or text to let them know you are praying for them. Consider making a visit to pray with them in person. Or, discover a need and minister to them in a personal way. As a matter of fact, Southern Baptists have called this emphasis, “Who’s Your One?”

Our world, our nation and our communities need to hear some Good News for a change. Jesus Saves! So, get involved. We can’t wait until things calm down and get back to “normal”. People need to hear from and see Jesus in us, today!

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Sean Keith
I am the Sunday School/Discipleship Strategist. My goal is to assist Louisiana Baptist Churches in developing and utilizing their small groups strategy to make disciples and accomplish the Great Commission. I would love to assist any church in developing a path forward towards a healthy, growing church.

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