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The Best Team Ever

The Best Team Ever

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I am a proud member of God’s team. That puts me on the winning team. He has called me and equipped me for one purpose—to serve Him. If you are a follower of Christ, God has extended the call to you as well. He has uniquely equipped you for service and ministry. We serve His church and His kingdom. Are you serving? What are your unique “gifts”? How are you using those gifts to accomplish God’s purpose?

If you are a big fan of football, and I am, you understand that it is the team that wins games; not the player. Sometimes I wonder if we forget this principle when it comes to ministry in the church. Service and ministry in and through the local church is not for the few and the proud. God calls and equips ALL of his people to service and ministry in HIS church and in HIS kingdom. We need to work together to accomplish God’s plan. We are better together. We can accomplish more, together.

It is the coach that calls the plays, not the players – We are SO busy! Our calendars are full. Our church calendars are full. It seems there is no margin in our lives for the most important things. We are busy doing lots of good things that we miss opportunities to accomplish great things for God, together. What is God calling you and your church to accomplish together in your community? Let Him call the play and you do your part to the best of your ability.

Just some thoughts…

  1. Listen to God. Obey Him. Do what He wants you to do.
  2. Work with others. Don’t try to do it all by yourself. Ask them, let’s do it together.
  3. Mentor others. People need help in knowing what their next step is in becoming a servant for God. Give them a job. Encourage them and brag on them. Help them succeed.

It is not about us. It is all about God. Let’s take the field (football lingo) and accomplish great things for God—together.

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Sean Keith
I am the Sunday School/Discipleship Strategist. My goal is to assist Louisiana Baptist Churches in developing and utilizing their small groups strategy to make disciples and accomplish the Great Commission. I would love to assist any church in developing a path forward towards a healthy, growing church.

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