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See a Light – Sow a Seed

See a Light – Sow a Seed

Louisiana Baptists

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I fly on a regular basis. For you non-fliers, when you fly to most of the cities in our state, the planes transporting you are called “regional jets.” Sounds exclusive, but here is a spoiler alert, “regional” does not mean “spacious.” Overhead space for your carryon luggage is even more limited. If you have anything larger than your favorite study Bible, it probably won’t fit!

One of my favorite times to fly over Louisiana is at night. Since the goal of our multi-media evangelistic effort, Here for You, is to seed God’s truth inside every heart and every home almost every day, I’ve tried to make it a practice to pray over Louisiana as I fly over it. One thing I’ve noticed, as I’m thousands of feet above the ground, is that it’s not just mile after mile after mile of darkness (see below). Look closely and you’ll begin to notice light after light after light. As I was praying one evening, God brought this thought to mind “where there’s a light, there’s a life.”

View from Airplane

Let that sink in for a moment.

Where there is a light it’s usually an indicator of life. Someone lives there, has been there, or is going there. The light is an evidence of life, of activity. It’s easy to fly over our major cities and see lights everywhere. We certainly need to pray over and strategize how we can reach those areas. But don’t believe Satan’s lie that there is no one to reach in rural Louisiana! The light, the evidence of life, dots the dark landscape of our flatlands, marshlands and bayous. There are people there. There are families there. There is opportunity there.

Light, no matter where it resides, always has the upper hand. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said, “Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that.” The Apostle John put it this way, “And the light shines in darkness; and the darkness cannot overcome it.” (John 1:5)

Consider this: maybe, just maybe, God may light the fires of revival in our rural areas and allow them to surround and spread into our cities.

When Jesus was beginning His public ministry, He often withdrew to isolated places for times of prayer. Towards the end of the opening chapter of his gospel, Mark notes that following one such time, Jesus’ disciples were looking for him. When they finally laid eyes on Him, they proclaimed, “Everyone is looking for you.” (Mark 1:37). I believe Jesus’ response reflects His desire to reach everyone, regardless of their location. “I must go to the nearby towns so I can tell the good news to those people …” (Mark 1:38, CEV). Notice, He didn’t make a beeline for Jerusalem or another major population center. He would get there soon enough. He went to those closest to where He was. He reminded his followers, “this is why I have come” (Mark 1:38).

My bayou brothers and sisters, this is the reason we are still here. If we’re going to follow Jesus’ example, we need to bring the light to nearby villages and towns, whether it’s a home in the middle of a field, back in the woods, or in the center of a small town or village. According to a report from our Missions and Ministries team, there are over 30 villages, towns and cities in Louisiana with no evangelical church. If you were to do a spiritual fly-over of these areas you would likely see only spiritual darkness. The people in those areas matter as much to God as those living in our largest urban areas and they should matter to us as well.

As you travel the highways and byways of Louisiana, here’s a challenge – “for every light you see – sow a seed.”

That seed may be a prayer as you drive through the area. It may be an opportunity to speak a word of witness or encouragement if you stop to rest, refuel or grab a snack. It could be an act of kindness if you see someone who needs assistance.

To learn how you can sow the seed of God’s truth wherever you reside, visit and enter: luke1423.

Remember, where there is a light, there’s a life. Where there is a life there is a person who needs to know the Jesus you know. So, for every light you see, sow a seed and let the seed of God’s truth do what only it can do.

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John Kyle
I am a native of Oklahoma, but have fallen in love with the people of Louisiana! Over half of my time in the ministry has been spent serving the Lord in the Bayou state. I love creative expressions and enjoy employing some of those to creatively share the Gospel with people who don’t know Jesus. My wife, Kathy, and I have been married for over 40 years and are blessed with three grown children and six grandchildren (as of May 2023). One of my favorite verses is Psalm 94:19 from the Living Bible paraphrase. Check it out when you begin to feel overwhelmed by the circumstances of life.

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