We are to value those who serve, even from the lowliest of places.
Here are four guidelines to use when developing a good compassion ministry through your church.
How do we have a compassionate heart? How do we look back past people’s circumstances and see the real needs […]
Multi-site church development continues to be a great tool for multiplying and revitalizing churches. Here are a few observations.
Here are a few better questions to help truly assess the need for a new church or ministry in our […]
Fall offers some great open doors for reaching out to the community through your church or small group.
These are two great scenarios to consider when thinking about church revitalization, especially when it may include church mergers or […]
Here are three scenarios that can bear fruit for the kingdom when a church can’t go on as it is.
Our highest baptizing church plants in Louisianashare 5 intentional practices that every church can do to increase baptisms.
The block party is an intentional form of community outreach and evangelistic strategy.
Lent is the forty day period from Ash Wednesday to Holy Saturday. It is to be a season of soul-searching […]
5 things that MUST happen so as not to derail the success of your first phase in church planting.