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Building a Disciple-Making Ministry

Building a Disciple-Making Ministry

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A book summary of “Building a Disciple-Making Ministry, The Timeless Principles of Arthur Flake for Sunday School and Small Groups” Compiled by Ken Braddy and Allan Taylor, LifeWay Press 2020

Churches, Sunday Schools and Small Groups are cautiously and slowly making a comeback after a difficult year of the COVID-19 pandemic.

This short book revisits a tried and true process to enable SS/SGs to effectively reach people for Christ, teach people about Christ, and minister to people in Christ’s Name.

Arthur Flake was a businessman, entrepreneur, lay church leader, evangelist, and a “Sunday School Man,” who led Southern Baptists’ Sunday School Department. Flake was a trainer, editor, author, and a growth and change agent.

He developed what became known as “Flake’s Formula” for Sunday School, a five-step process for strengthening and growing small group Bible study and ministry.

They are:

  1. Know the possibilities;
  2. Enlarge the Organization;
  3. Enlist and train leaders;
  4. Provide space and resources; and
  5. Go after the people.

As church leaders make prayerful plans for their churches and small group ministries to resume effective work, this short book and Flake’s principles should prove helpful. I have limited copies of this book. If you would like for me to send you a copy, please email me at

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Jeff Ingram
Jeff was the Adult Ministry and Church Administration Strategist before retiring from Louisiana Baptists in 2024.

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