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Churchwide Women’s Leadership Team

Churchwide Women’s Leadership Team

Changed lives are the result of being involved in missions and ministry. Entry points are as varied and unique as each person and each group. They have one goal – sharing the gospel in word and deed so others will know Jesus as Lord and Savior.

Women’s Leadership Team

Encouraging and serving church leaders/directors of women’s ministry and WMU. These leaders influence their churches and associations to be involved in discipleship through Bible study, mission education and mission giving.

This is done by:

  • Communicating the need for coordinated women’s ministry and mission education (WMU)
  • Coordinating, encouraging and beginning Bible study groups for adult women and age-level mission organizations for preschool. children, teens, and adults
  • Working with pastors, staff, and associational leadership (through church connections and other avenues) to coordinate Women’s Missions and Ministry in the total mission of the church and association
  • Nurturing new and experienced leaders


(Available at,, and

  • Mission Leader – WMU Planning Guide (Annual)
  • Ministry to Women, The Essential Guide for Leading in the Local Church


For more information on Churchwide Women’s Leadership, email Christine Gill or call the Women’s Missions & Ministry office at 318.449.4268.

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