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Bible Drill

Bible Drill

Bible Drill is a discipleship program for children and youth. The purpose of Bible Drill is to help increase a believer’s knowledge of the Bible, to develop skills in effectively handling the Bible, to learn how to apply the Bible to their life and to develop scripture memory skills. Louisiana Baptists offer Children, Youth, and High School Bible Drill and Youth Speaker’s Tournament. Please click on the resource and download links below to take you to the Bible Drill area of your choice.

If you have any questions or to request a Church Packet, contact:

Download District Consultant Map

Bible Drill is a discipleship program for children and youth. The purpose of Bible Drill is to help increase a believer’s knowledge of the Bible, to develop skills in effectively handling the Bible, to learn how to apply the Bible to their life and to develop scripture memory skills. Louisiana Baptists offer Children, Youth, and High School Bible Drill and Youth Speaker’s Tournament. Please click on the resource and download links below to take you to the Bible Drill area of your choice.

If you have any questions or to request a Church Packet, contact:

Download District Consultant Map

(High School and Youth)

Resources and Downloads

Children’s Bible Drill Resources

Additional Children’s Resources from LifeWay

Youth Bible Drill Resources

High School Bible Drill Resources

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