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Ready to Serve

Our teams are here for you. We are equipped to help pastors, leaders and churches of all sizes to succeed in ministry. So, who are these teams, anyway?

Meet Our Teams

If you are interested in a specific area of ministry, dive deeper. Start here to find a contact or resource that suits your needs. Learn more about how our teams can serve you.

Louisiana Baptist Teams

Our Teams

Pastoral Leadership

We assist with pastor search committees, resumé services, leadership development, prayer resources, and more.

Missions & Ministry

Get help with Church Planting, Compassion Ministries, Disaster Relief, Women’s Ministry, Mission Builders, and Partnership Missions.

Evangelism & Church Growth

Find resources in the areas of personal and mass evangelism for kids, youth, adults, and Sunday School, as well as church administration.

Baptist Collegiate Ministry

Our ministries are located on 28 campuses across the state. We are committed to help students grow in Christ and provide mission opportunities.

Business & Information Services

Looking for information on the Annual Church Profile, forms, and accounting? If so, we can help your church with those.


We mainly serve our teams, but we can help you with archives, the e-newsletter, the Cooperative Program, and Stewardship.

Also Get to Know …

Our Leadership

Get to know our Executive Director, Dr. Steve Horn, and learn more about our Executive Board officers.

About Louisiana Baptists

We are a statewide association of over 1,600 Baptist churches connected through a common mission.

Meet the Staff

Learn the names and faces of those working to provide events, training, and resources to Louisiana churches.