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Safe from Sexual Abuse

Safe from Sexual Abuse

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Louisiana Baptists continue to stand in unison and with purpose to help make all Louisiana Baptist churches safe for all ages. For that reason, we are providing a comprehensive resource for pastors, staff, and lay members.
It has been almost one year since a team was established to begin research for resourcing our churches about sexual abuse prevention. During this dedicated time, seven appointed members from the Louisiana Baptist staff met often and developed web pages filled with resources that churches of any size can access. These web pages give information and guidance to help prevent sexual abuse. The members of this team have since been established as the Sexual Abuse Response Council (SARC).
Visit the Sexual Abuse Response & Resources page to begin. You’ll find links for: Biblical pursuit for righteousness, sexual abuse check list, protection methods for minors, how a church can respond to an allegation, confidential reporting agencies, and more. The resource pages are filled with additional tools and help.
No church should use the excuse that “we didn’t know where to get resources.” By utilizing these web pages, churches can gain as much information as needed to prepare, plan, train for, and prevent sexual abuse. Also provided are listings of professional counseling for victims and steps to report individuals who violate another person.
Please use and share these resources with your church leadership.

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Ray Swift
Ray serves as the Pastoral Leadership director for Louisiana Baptists, and loves to help pastors and churches succeed in their ministries.

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