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Biblical Pursuit for Righteousness

Biblical Pursuit for Righteousness

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Pursuing Righteousness

A church’s desire in pursuing righteousness for all members and to reduce the risk to employees and members from abuse, harassment and neglect emanates from a biblical understanding of who God is and what He commands from His people. The Bible teaches that the Lord is righteous and just according to Psalm 89:14 and Psalm 33:5.

  • “Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne; faithful love and truth go before you.” Psalm 89:14

  • “He loves righteousness and justice; the earth is full of the Lord’s unfailing love.” Psalm 33:5

To be imitators of God the church should seek to walk in love and remove all sexual immorality, impurity, and filthiness from our midst. Therefore, the church will do well to follow the teaching of Ephesians 5 in the following ways:

  1. Expect and inspect holiness from her leaders.
  2. Protect those entrusted to her charge.
  3. Redeem those who have been violated.
  4. Pursue righteousness, justice, mercy, and redemption.

Consistent with God’s Biblical standard of righteousness it should be the intention of the church to reduce risk.