COVID 19 Update – How do we know we are doing everything right?
For the past few weeks, one of my top priorities has been to contact Pastors and check on them, their families and their congregations. I am one of many who are doing this. We are all checking on one another.
I have also had video conferences with leaders of churches who are responsible for Sunday School and/or Small Group Ministry. There are two recurring statements in their responses: 1) we have never done this before and 2) we are not sure if we are doing it right.
The church has had to make significant changes in the way we do church. Online worship services, live or recorded. Recorded Bible studies and devotions. Bible study via conference calls or video conference calls…all of these are ways of doing Bible study in the midst of this crisis. These adaptations are our way of trying to stay connected; our way of making sure the church is still worshipping and studying God’s Word together. But, are we doing it right?
I’ve discovered there is no right or wrong way! In video conference calls this past week, with Ministers of Education across the state, I learned we are all doing things differently. Thankfully, the common element among all these leaders is that they are doing something. To be honest, some Pastors and staff are working overtime to discover and implement ways of keeping classes and groups functioning during this odd and strange season. So. what should our objective be and how do we measure effectiveness?
The first objective should be to make sure that our people are staying connected. The best way to do that is to call every member, every week to check in and pray over them. Many are discovering needs and are doing their part to meet those needs. Our second objective is to encourage people to stay in God’s Word daily. When you check on people each week, remind them of the scriptures being covered in the current lesson and encourage them read their Bible. It helps if you can gather small groups/classes together via a conference call or video conference to engage in Bible study together. There are multiple ways to stay connected and do Bible study together. Remember, this season will not last forever. But for now, make sure you are accomplishing these two things, at least. There is so much more that can be done. But, how do we measure how we are doing?
Here are two points of measurements: 1) Is every member of every group/class being contacted every week? A phone call is better than an email or a text. (NOTE: an email or a text is better than nothing at all.); 2) Is every class/group providing some way, weekly, to involve as many people as possible in Bible study and discussion?
There is no one way or perfect way to do everything right. My question and challenge to you is this—What are you doing to make sure your groups/classes are staying connected with one another and God through His Word?