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Religious Freedom Webcast Recap

Religious Freedom Webcast Recap

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This past week on January 11, 2021, Brotherhood Mutual Insurance Company, GuideStone Financial Services and Louisiana Baptists hosted a webcast on Religious Freedom During COVID-19 and Beyond.

The Brotherhood Mutual webcast panel included: Michael Allison, Vice President and Chief Counsel’ Steve Case, Assistant Vice President and Senior Corporate Counsel; and Kyle Johnson, Senior Corporate Attorney.

The past few years, particularly 2020, have brought dramatic changes to our nation, and our churches. It looks like 2021 will also be a challenging year.

The webcast covered the following areas of concern for churches:

  • Emerging Religious Freedom Issues for Churches and Ministries
  • How can a Ministry Protect its Religious Beliefs Against Legal Threats?
  • How can a Ministry Align its Facility Use with its Sincerely Held Beliefs?
  • How can a Ministry Address Employment Issues Related to Morals and Values?
  • What should Ministry Leaders Know About Gender Identity Issues?
  • How Concerned Should ministries be about Governmental Actions and Challenges?
  • If a Ministry is sued for Standing up for its Beliefs, will Insurance Coverage be available?

These are issues every church and ministry needs to address with their insurance provider, church by-laws, employee handbook, code of conduct, and other documents.

If you missed the webcast or would like to watch the 1½ hour presentation you may do so here.

Brotherhood Mutual has also provided an excellent and free pdf resource entitled, “Religious Freedom Protection: Shepherding Ministries in a Time of Change,” that is also available to download.

There are also many other free resources for churches and ministries at: and our Church Administration page.

If you have additional questions, please contact Jeff Ingram, at or 318.449.4295.

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Jeff Ingram
Hello! I am the Adult Ministry and Church Administration Strategist for Louisiana Baptists. I love meeting one-on-one with church leaders to help them more effectively reach, teach and minister to adults; and I would enjoy meeting with your church leaders to offer guidance in your church administration questions. I recharge by running, reading and gardening.

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