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Your Ideas

Your Ideas

Here for You

Here for You is a multi-media evangelism strategy designed to give everyone in Louisiana the opportunity to say “yes” to Jesus.

Screens are everywhere, and they provide an opportunity to reach others for Jesus.

There are many ways your church can connect to Here for You.

Here are a couple of good ideas from First Ponchatoula, but don’t limit yourself to these – be creative!

Here for You Doubloons

A Custom Doubloon!

David Cranford and the folks at First Ponchatoula created custom Here for You doubloons which they threw during the local Christmas parade!

Here for You Banner

Here for You Banner

They also created a large vinyl banner with the Here for You tag line and hung the banner in a visible place on their property. Those driving by are able to make a quick connection to what they’ve seen on TV or via social media to their church!

You can also create a banner, or other signage, that uses your church name/logo with the Here for You tagline and font. I.e. First Baptist is Here for You. You may even want to include the splash page address,

Here for You Yardsign

Here for You Yard Sign

Connect yourself and your church to Here for You with these yard signs! Thank you Wayne Hunt of Coteau Baptist in Houma for the idea!

It’s your turn!

If your church has come up with a creative way to connect itself to this effort, please share your idea by completing the form below. Your ideas will stimulate creativity among all of our churches as we work to share God’s truth to every heart and every home almost every day!

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