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Compassion Relief

Compassion Relief

It’s Not Just About a Box of Food

Compassion ministries can be found all over Louisiana. Churches are getting involved in helping our neighbors. Creativity is the rule of the day. By helping the under-served, trust is built as an opportunity to share the gospel and bring life-change becomes a way of life.

These ministries seek to meet the real and felt needs of people so that the gospel can be delivered, spiritual change is offered, and connection to the local church is realized.

Creativity is affirmed in this non-traditional and very effective ministry activity.

Compassion Ministries are defined as:

  1. Meeting Human Needs
  2. Building Trust
  3. Fully Sharing the Gospel
  4. Connecting People to the Local Church

Quick Contacts

Stan Statham


Lee Green

Ministry Assistant

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Types of Compassion Ministries

Human trafficking– a growing concern that must offer rescue and resources to those trapped in a “secret” lifestyle

Multi-housing– ministry services and congregationalizing in a variety of multi-housing settings

Homelessness– basic care for those who are in unfortunate circumstances

Tutoring Children and Youth– after school tutoring and care

English as a Second Language– the Hispanic population and other non-English speaking groups are increasing and this ministry is helpful and needed in many communities

Louisiana/World Hunger Ministry– hunger in Louisiana and around the world is a growing concern

Louisiana World Hunger Offering– providing resources to feed the needy in our world

Church Suicide Prevention Training– help prepare your church to be proactive in saving lives. Learn More.

Thrift Stores– for profit stores that provide recycled clothes and goods to people in need

Motorcycle and Cowboy Ministry– reaching a subculture that connects through this activity or hobby

Student Missionaries– encouraging students to be on mission while attending college in Louisiana

Adopt-a-school– schools are very needy in Louisiana and are in need of much assistance

Watch this video to see what a Compassion ministry looks like for those in need.

Take Action!

Start a Compassion Ministry

Learn all you need to know to begin caring for those in need in your community.

Request Assistance

Compassion ministry covers a lot of needs. So, check out our form to see if we can assist you.

Register Your Ministry

If your church already offers a compassion ministry, we want to partner with you!

Monthly Compassion Report

This form has moved to a new, dedicated website. Click below to get started.

Go Deeper

Chaplain Ministry

A network and source of information for chaplains serving in Louisiana.

English as a Second Language

Training from a National ESL Workshop Leader for NAMB and the NLMP.

LA Baptists Hunger Relief

1 in 5 people in Louisiana live below the poverty line and are considered to be food insecure.

Food Bank Northeast Louisiana

The Food Bank & Community Partner Agencies are fighting hunger in rural communities.

The Hub

The Hub is on a mission to give everyone in Shreveport access to a restored life.

Find Help LA

Pregnancy centers are standing by to provide you with free and confidential services.

Mississippi River Ministry

Focusing on helping feed and clothe children and families throughout the region.

Celebrate Recovery

Christ-centered, 12-step recovery program for anyone struggling with hurt, pain or addiction of any kind.

Church Guide to Ministry

Learn how to engage your church in compassion ministry using these video courses.

Celebrate Recovery:
*When you visit the Group Locator by clicking the button above, you will enter your city/state in the first field, then under “Options,” enter the word “Baptist” to find a group meeting at a Baptist church.