THEM John KyleCommunications,Here for You In our self-focused, narcissistic culture this truth often gets lost. It’s not about us, it’s about them.
Multiply Your Efforts Louisiana BaptistsCommunications Are you looking for online tools and resources to take your ministry further? Download our free brochure to view a […]
Sweat Equity John KyleCommunications,Here for You Jesus tells us the harvest is plentiful but the laborers – not so much. By definition labor implies sweat equity.
The Power of the Regift! John KyleCommunications,Here for You Have you ever considered the fact that Jesus commanded us to regift? Because of His love for all people, He […]
That’s How Winning is Done John KyleCommunications,Here for You It ain’t about how hard you hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How […]
The Sum of the Some John KyleCommunications,Here for You There is a thread of truth in the old adage, “It all adds up!”This is true in all other areas […]
Truth Decay John KyleCommunications,Here for You The only remedy for “truth decay” is to return to the One who said I am the way, the truth […]
4 Magic Words John KyleCommunications,Here for You What images popped into your mind when you first heard the words: "All you can eat"?
The Sweet 16 of Tithing Matt TullosCommunications,Stewardship Here’s the short list of reasons you should be giving a tithe (10% of your income) to your local church.
From Zero to Hero: 3 Ingredients for Great Church Videos Justin BufkinCommunications In this digital age, church communication will continue to incorporate more and more video to share the on-going story of […]
Navigating Your Finances God’s Way Matt TullosCommunications,Cooperative Program,Stewardship Navigating Your Finances God’s Way is a 9-week study that combines biblical principles and practical money tips.
Financial Peace University Matt TullosCommunications,Cooperative Program,Stewardship When Jesus is Lord over our finances, we experience the joy of understanding his ownership of everything.