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Adapt Like Jesus

Adapt Like Jesus

Louisiana Baptists

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Note: this post is the third entry of a series entitled, “Rebuilding the Sunday School/Small Group Ministry in the Local Church.”

Author: Jody D. Dean, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Christian Education, Senior Regional Associate Dean for Extension Centers, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, New Orleans, LA.

Ministry can be an ongoing season of change due to expectations or needs of the people. Basketball players learn to pivot as they move the ball toward the basket. In ministry we have to adapt or pivot to be in the best position possible for what the Lord has for us. We should constantly be looking at how we can adjust so mission achievement is attainable. The reality is we must be willing to adapt with the changing conditions around us in order to compete. You have read in Paul’s New Testament writings about conditioning yourself to be able to compete at the highest possible level of skill and endurance. Since the conditions imposed upon us are beyond our control, we should expect ministry to cause us to adapt.

A couple points to consider:

  • In your life and ministry, what are the easiest adaptations for you to accept?
  • If you struggle to adapt, then pause, consider, and pray as to why you have difficulty.

Change is hard and the constant pressure to keep the plates spinning can be overwhelming. The unrelenting pressure can sink us as ministry leaders, so take time to ensure you are growing in your pursuit of Christ. The overall picture of Jesus’ ministry was adapting His methods to minister to the crowds or interact one-on-one with someone on their journey. When we consider adapting, the process does not have to be negative. Pause and pray that your ministry mission becomes more like Jesus while also following His example of being a person that walks with God.

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Sean Keith
I am the Sunday School/Discipleship Strategist. My goal is to assist Louisiana Baptist Churches in developing and utilizing their small groups strategy to make disciples and accomplish the Great Commission. I would love to assist any church in developing a path forward towards a healthy, growing church.

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