What is Royal Ambassadors?
Royal Ambassadors is a missions education tool for boys grades 1-6 committed to living out the RA Pledge. The pledge is part of personal and chapter accountability.
1. Supervise and give direction to the overall mission education program for local churches through a consultant and volunteer leadership council implementing the ministry of Royal Ambassadors for Christ.
- To recruit leadership and enlist leaders to coordinate and develop new chapters of RA’s.
- To be a catalyst for the local church in providing training and resources for RA chapters.
- To lead and coordinate with the leadership council, which meets quarterly to plan events.
- To organize and provide four statewide annual events:
- RA Congress, SurvivorMan Camp, Camp-O-Ree and RA Summer Camp
2. Growing Missions Education
- Utilize Men’s Ministry network to establish new mission education programs.
- Discover Existing Mission Education programs in the state.
- Offer DIME training events on regional level to those interested.
- Teach DIME on associational level for the purpose of growing awareness.
- Register Your RA Group with National WMU (You will receive a certificate)
- Receive a free RA starter pack
- WMU resources (campcraft manual, etc.)
- WMU store (purchase RA supplies)
Want more information about RAs? Email Stan Statham, or call the Men’s Ministry team at 318.449.4280.
Applications Keep reading to learn about opportunities available to you.
Blanchard-Verret Royal Ambassadors (RAs) Scholarship
Scholarships are:
- granted annually by Louisiana Men’s Ministry.
- for a male student attending LCU.
- in the amount of $500.00 per year paid directly to LCU.
Applicant must be:
- a once (or still) active member in Royal Ambassadors in a Southern Baptist church.
- an active member in a Louisiana Southern Baptist church.
- active in Southern Baptist missions organizations, if available.
While at LCU, applicant must:
- be active in a local Southern Baptist church.
- be involved in a Southern Baptist church missions education organizations. (i.e. Baptist Collegiate Ministry, RA, Children in Action, Youth on Mission or Missions Friend leader)
- be a full-time student.
- maintain 2.5 Cumulative GPA.
Applications are available September 1st – March 15th.
Applications must be in the Men’s Ministry Team office by March 15th.
Scholarship applications are reviewed by the Men’s Ministry Team and approved in April of each year.
Applicants will be notified by the Men’s Ministry & Disaster Relief strategist.