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Agricultural Missions Fellowship

Agricultural Missions Fellowship

The Louisiana Baptist Agricultural Missions Fellowship is a non-profit, tax exempt, mission-support organization composed primarily of Baptist lay people in Louisiana. The Fellowship currently provides technical and financial support to agricultural missions projects in southern Mexico and Eastern Europe and Haiti. We work through existing International Mission Board missionaries of the Southern Baptist Covention to provide funding for agricultural human needs projects to provide people a hand up for God’s glory. We also provide information to individuals, churches, and organizations regarding ag missions work. Speakers are available for programs on hunger relief and mission opportunities.

Mission Statement:

To promote self-help projects aimed at alleviating poverty, reducing hunger, and advancing the cause of Christ.

Related Scripture:

1 John 3:17 – But if anyone has the world’s goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God’s love abide in him?

Need More Information? Write to us at:

La. Baptist Ag Missions Fellowship
1312 Ridgeland Dr., Baton Rouge, LA 70810

About Us
A History of the Louisiana Baptist Agricultural Missions Fellowship

The Fellowship was organized in 2000 under the auspices of the Men and Volunteer Ministries Department of the Louisiana Baptist Convention. The first annual meeting was held in the Baptist Building in Alexandria, LA in January 2001. Annual meetings are held each year at locations around Louisiana. Many of the original members were associated with the LSU Agricultural Center, though numerous other committed Christians, with an interest in agriculture, were also involved.

In addition to our affiliation with the Louisiana Baptist Convention, The Fellowship also is affiliated with the Agricultural Development Foundation, which is considered to be the parent organization. ADF was founded as the Agricultural Missions Foundation in 1970 under the leadership of Mr. Owen Cooper, the last lay president of the Southern Baptist Convention. The name was changed in 2001 to avoid confusion, and to enable a closer working relationship with state Agricultural Mission Fellowships, of which our fellowship is one.

Our Bylaws provide for a President, Vice President, Secretary-Treasurer, and Projects Coordinator. These four individuals along the two immediate Past Presidents and three At-Large representatives comprise the Executive Committee.


People do not care how much we know until they first know how much we care.

General Philosophy:

We believe that when people are impoverished and hungry, Jesus Christ―the Bread of Life―is more palatable if served with bread made from grain.

Join Us!

Any person interested in helping people through Ag Missions is invited to join our membership.

Annual membership dues are $25 per family and $100 for churches and can be paid at the annual meeting each year or may be mailed to:

Agricultural Missions FellowshipLa. Baptist Ag Missions Fellowship
1312 Ridgeland Dr. 
Baton Rouge, LA 70810

Additional or larger contributions are welcomed. Members will receive a regular Newsletter that provide information about activities of The Fellowship and about current projects. All dues and contributions are tax deductible and will be acknowledged.

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