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GOLA Louisiana

GOLA Louisiana

Applications for summer 2025 are being accepted!

The GOLA Louisiana Team is a ministry to help zero-baptism and low-baptism Louisiana Baptist churches have a successful VBS this summer.

The teams of six college students each are chosen from Louisiana Baptist churches and Baptist Collegiate Ministries from across the state and are assigned to churches for a VBS.

There is no cost to the church for a team as their expenses are handled through the Georgia Barnette State Missions Offering and Cooperative Program. A GOLA hosting church is responsible for their own VBS expenses, such as literature for expected number of children, craft items, decorations, refreshments, and so forth.

For questions, contact Janet Williams at 318.448.3402 or email

Download the application, or fill out the form below.

Download the application for 2025 here.

Complete the application, scan it, and email it to
Or fax it to 318.449.4213. Or mail it to P.O. Box 311, Alexandria, LA 71309

  • The GOLA Louisiana Team of college students is a partnership with Louisiana Baptists through the Georgia Barnett eState Missions Offering and Cooperative Program gifts. The purpose of the GOLA Louisiana Team is to serve as a catalyst to churches in the process of revitalization by implementing a successful VBS to discover prospects for the church. The church’s willingness to conduct adequate planning and follow-up of prospects is imperative!
  • Church Info

  • Dates & Preferences

  • Please note: every effort will be made to accommodate the church’s request; however, in order to best utilize the GOLA teams, the proximity of locations will take precedent in scheduling. Assignments will be made in early March and churches notified of when, or if, a GOLA team will be assigned to their church. Priority will be given to first-time requests.
  • Your Agreement

    By submitting an application, you are agreeing to the following:
    1. Our church will prayerfully enlist workers and prepare adequately for our VBS.
    2. Our church will plan to attend our Associational VBS training.
    3. Our church will intentionally follow-up with prospects discovered during our VBS by enrolling them in the appropriate Sunday School classes for further ministry.
    4. Our church will report the following to Louisiana Baptists within seven days of their VBS ending:
    • Enrollment
    • Average Attendance
    • Professions of Faith
    • Other Decisions
    • Follow-up Plans
    • Comments & Feedback

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