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Compassion Connection

Compassion Connection

Let’s Get Connected

You’re about to begin a process that will ensure you are fully prepared to analyze the audience, needs, and solutions for your Compassion ministry. Here’s what your next steps look like:

  1. Begin by filling out the first Compassion Readiness form (link below)
  2. Print your responses and use the resources provided to you in the emails following completing the form
  3. Fill out the second Compassion Readiness form using information gathered from the resources provided (a link to this form will be made available after completing the first form)
  4. Print your responses and use the resources provided to build a demographic profile
  5. After you’ve collected and analyzed your data, you’re ready to propose your Compassion ministry to your pastor.

Quick Contacts

Stan Statham

Interim Director

Lee Green

Ministry Assistant

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A Closer Look at Compassion Ministries

Human Trafficking

A growing concern that must offer rescue and resources to those trapped in a “secret” lifestyle.

Food Ministry

Begin a ministry providing resources to feed the needy in our world.

English as a Second Language (ESL)

Native English speakers conversing with immigrants. The Bible is used in teaching situations.

Thrift Store

For-profit stores that provide recycled clothes and goods to people in need.

Recovery Ministry

A program for anyone struggling with hurt, pain or addiction of any kind.


A tutoring ministry is a type of literacy missions ministry. Trained tutors work with at-risk students on a regular basis.