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6 Reasons for Bible Drill

6 Reasons for Bible Drill

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Once again this April, hundreds of Elementary, Middle and High School students will be compete in Bible Drills all over the state! The rewards are life-changing.

Memorization of Scripture sticks with a believer for the rest of his or her life. I still remember the scriptures I memorized as a child.

Some might argue that Bible Drill and Bible memorization is passé. Nothing could be further from the truth. If your son or daughter has the opportunity to be involved in Bible Drill, please don’t hesitate to encourage them!

Here are 6 reasons why Bible Drill and Scripture memorization are important to kids and students.

  1. Memorization of scripture is a radical distinctive of God’s people. In fact in Jesus day, children would memorize the entire first five books of the Old Testament by age twelve. The Babylonian Talmud Baba Bathra 21a:6 says, “Before the age of six do not accept pupils; from that age you can accept them, and stuff them with Torah like an ox.”
  2. Saturating you mind with the Word of God prepares kids for the challenges of the future. You will have a greater chance to see them remain faithful to God in the years to come.
  3. Scripture is the best tool for prayer. A student who knows Scripture will learn to pray biblically.
  4. Learning how to get around in the Word of God makes Scripture less intimidating to students. Knowing where each book is located will ultimately make them more competent to study God’s word and to participate in Bible studies.
  5. If a student that knows Scripture they will be more likely to share their faith. The basis of our faith is the truth of God’s word. By memorizing Scripture students will feel more at ease with defending and sharing their faith.
  6. Scripture memorization is a necessity for the spiritual warfare they will face in the coming years. Remember the temptation of Jesus? How did Jesus combat Satan? Scripture, Scripture, Scripture and then, you guessed it, Scripture!

So there you have six reasons for Bible memorization and Bible Drill events. You can rest assured there are many other reasons.

Teach your kids to hide the Word of God in their hearts and watch as it takes root in their soul!

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David Anderson
What's up? I'm David Anderson, Childhood Ministry Strategist. What gets me up and out the door every morning is getting to partner with churches to help them see the potential and joy of a vital Children’s Ministry. Doing this alongside great preschool/children’s ministers from around the state tops it all off.

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