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Summer offers a great change of pace. With that comes the opportunity to start or refresh habits that are helpful […]
There is a thread of truth in the old adage, “It all adds up!”This is true in all other areas […]
We all matter to God, and together we can impact the Kingdom in ways that no one church can.
The only remedy for “truth decay” is to return to the One who said I am the way, the truth […]
The “invite” can have a powerful and life changing effect on the Sunday School class.
Does your Sunday School seem flat? Here are three things you can do that will get your class moving again.
Why should I be a part of a small group or Sunday School class? My answer is, why not?
Good strategy should create the right conditions for a church multiplication movement to reach every people group & population segment […]
If your son or daughter has the opportunity to be involved in Bible Drill, please don’t hesitate to encourage them!
I am a proud member of God’s team. That puts me on the winning team. He has called me and […]
What is a spiritually growing person supposed to be involved in every week?