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The numbers may look a little different than in past years. But in some ways they are more meaningful.
Everything is different now. Human beings like some sense of normal. We need something to count on.
Pray for the pastors and churches of Acadia Association. Pray for people to hunger for the gospel.
During this pandemic, we have learned how truly important it is to stay connected and look for opportunities to pray […]
Whether the people you lead are meeting in person or online, you need to pray for them and encourage them […]
I’m not sure how you’re feeling, but as we reach the midpoint of 2020, it sure seems like we could […]
Here are three tips to make it happen when you re-engage your class or group.
The greater goal is helping the people in the group develop and grow spiritually, and serving is a means of […]
The Forum is designed for youth ministry leaders to gain helpful information, learn practical ways to structure youth ministry, share […]
“When” and “how” are important questions that we must use to address, plan, and prepare.
Don’t just abandon these digital efforts when you’re given the green light to return to full capacity in your facility.