Breakout Registrations
Promo Materials
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1:30 pm – Monday Afternoon
WeRcalled, Mike Courtney, Bill Blackmon (Testimony), Leroy Fountain
6:00 pm – Monday Evening
A Night of Worship, Waylon Bailey
9:00 am – Tuesday Morning
WeRcalled, Carl Bradford, Martha Bailey (Testimony), Tim Dowdy
1:30 pm – Tuesday Afternoon
WeRcalled, John Sullivan, Selah, Jeff Iorg
Men’s Breakfast – Tuesday, 6:30 am
First, Covington invites you to a FREE Men’s Breakfast
Central Hall
Keynote Speakers
Tim Dowdy
Tim serves as the Vice President of Evangelism for the North American Mission Board.
Carl Bradford
Carl serves as the Dean of Texas Baptist College and as an Assistant Professor of Evangelism at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.
Jeff Iorg
SBC Executive Committee
Jeff serves as President and CEO for the Southern Baptist Convention Executive Committee.
John Sullivan
Broadmoor Baptist Church
John serves as the minister to the mature adults at Broadmoor Baptist Church in Shreveport, LA.
Leroy Fountain
New Orleans Baptist Association and Louisiana Baptists
Leroy serves as Church Health Strategist with the New Orleans Baptist Association and Church Planter Consultant with Louisiana Baptists.
Mike Courtney
Times of Refreshing Ministries
Mike serves as an itinerant evangelist in Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and the surrounding areas.
Waylon Bailey
First Baptist, Covington
Waylon serves as senior pastor at First Baptist Church in Covington, LA.
Bill Blackmon
Truckstop Ministries
Bill, who is a vocational evangelist, serves as president and chaplain for Truckstop Ministries.
Martha Bailey
First Baptist, Covington
Martha serves as Women’s Community Outreach Bible Study Leader at First Baptist Church in Covington, LA.
First Baptist, Covington Choir