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Baptism Sunday

Baptism Sunday

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Rejoicing in heaven…

In Luke 15, Jesus provides a series of parables about things that were lost but then found. These parables were in response to a complaint from the Pharisees and scribes that Jesus was welcoming to sinners. Jesus tells the parable of the lost sheep first. In this parable, he compares the rejoicing that takes place when one lost sheep of ninety-nine is rescued to the rejoicing that takes place in heaven when one sinner repents. The celebration over the salvation of one lost person is a source of joy in heaven; therefore, we must do likewise and celebrate the salvation of every lost person who comes to Christ.

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If there is rejoicing in heaven over those who have trusted Christ, then it would be appropriate for us to celebrate every new believer. A great way for us to do this is to join together on Baptism Sunday, April 27, for a time of celebration. May our churches be saturated with the same joy that heaven experiences over one sinner who repents. Let’s come together across our state and nation as we did for 3:16 on 3/16 and rejoice over every new child of God. Let’s fill the tank for Baptism Sunday as an expression of our joy over those who have surrendered their life to Christ.

Written by Kevin Ulmer, Evangelism Strategist

Our partners at the North American Mission Board have created a planning guide and other resources for churches preparing for a Baptism Sunday. 

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Louisiana Baptists
Louisiana Baptists are a statewide association of over 1,600 Baptist churches connected through a common mission. These churches minister both separately and cooperatively to reach our common goal to help every person find help, hope and encouragement in the midst of a busy world.

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