About Deanna Corbett
After graduating from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, the Lord brought me up to northeast Louisiana to serve. I quickly noticed that NELA is one of the most impoverished places in the nation, a visible fact supported by statistics. I have been in this area now for 18 years now, serving the local church most of the time. However, during the winter of 2015,God made it clear that I was to surrender to full-time missions and I did so in a complete step of faith beginning May 1, 2015. God prompted me to start Shade Tree Missions and then He quickly brought me on board with LBC Compassion Ministries team. Through Shade Tree Missions, God keeps me busy for the Kingdom by conducting an ongoing Backyard Bible Club at a housing development, helping reduce childhood hunger by starting the “Little Lambs Snack Pack” Ministry, tutoring at two different locations, assisting at the Care and Share, as well as other mission endeavors.