A Vision for Louisiana
Our vision is to join God’s activity to see His kingdom expand in North America by 1% over the next decade.
How can it be realized?
1% of the lost population in North America is approximately 2,750,000 people. Over the next decade, we desire to plant 11,000 new churches that multiply once and baptize 125 new believers. This would result in 22,000 new churches reaching 125 lost people with the gospel for a total of 2,750,000 new believers. 2,750,000 people is 1% of the lost population of North America.

SEND Network
Louisiana’s population is 4,648,794 people, and 2,884,112 (62.04%) do not have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Therefore, 1% of the lost population of Louisiana is 28,841. If the average new church reaches 125 people with the gospel, this necessitates planting 231 churches across Louisiana over the next decade.
SEND Network
SE Louisiana
The population of SE Louisiana is 2,298,995 people, and 1,426,297 (62.04%) do not have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Therefore, 1% of the lost population of Louisiana is 14,263 people. If the average new church reaches 125 people with the gospel, this necessitates planting 114 churches across SE Louisiana over the next decade.
SEND Network
SW Louisiana
The population of SW Louisiana is 1,224,500 people, and 759,680 (62.04%) do not have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Therefore, 1% of the lost population of Louisiana is 7,597 people. If the average new church reaches 125 people with the gospel, this necessitates planting 61 churches across SW Louisiana over the next decade.
SEND Network
North Louisiana
The population of North Louisiana is 1,133,262 people, and 703,076 (62.04%) do not have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Therefore, 1% of the lost population of Louisiana is 7,031 people. If the average new church reaches 125 people with the gospel, this necessitates planting 56 churches across North Louisiana over the next decade.
What’s New for Louisiana Church Planting?
- All planters will now be onboarded through the Send Network Church Planter Pathway.
- Four years of monthly funding for each plant, instead of three.
- Five years of Send Network Planter Care for each plant.
- Planters are eligible for Send Network Start-up grants AND GBO grants will continue.
- Planters are eligible for one free year of health insurance through Guidestone and $1,000 Retirement benefit toward a Guidestone Retirement Account.
How can my church get involved?
The Mobilization Pathway
Moving churches from unengaged to cooperating, from cooperating to supporting, from supporting to sending, from sending to multiplying. Learn More.
Start a Residency
Develop missional leaders for on-campus and off-campus multiplication through starting or partnering with other churches to start a residency. Learn More.