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Literacy Ministry

Literacy Ministry

Literacy skills are essential in navigating life.

Literacy is a fundamental skill that opens doors to education, employment, and economic advancement. Reading, writing, and communication can empower individuals, enhance societal participation, and improve overall well-being.

Sharing Christ through literacy missions ministries.

The purpose of Literacy Ministries is to train, equip, and partner with Louisiana Baptists to share Jesus through literacy missions while teaching internationals English (English as a Second Language), helping students be successful in school (Tutoring Children and Youth), and helping adults read and write better (Adult Reading and Writing).


Immigrants from around the world make up approximately 13% of the U.S. population.

An estimated one in seven people who reside in the United States is from another nation, and millions of these immigrants have limited English proficiency.

21% of adults in the US are illiterate in 2024.

Research shows that children in poverty who are able to read proficiently by the end of the third grade have an 89% graduation rate from high school.

“In reading this, then, you will be able to understand my insight into the mystery of Christ.”
– Ephesians 3:4

Our Areas of Service

English as a Second Language 

Helping non-english speakers in your community learn conversational English.

Adult Literacy

Equipping local churches to intentionally share the Gospel with adult low-level readers.


Equipping local churches to share the Gospel with children and youth who struggle with schoolwork.

How do you know which ministry is best in your setting? Follow these steps.

  • Pray. Ask God to open your eyes to the needs in your community.
  • Explore your community. How many language groups can you find? Are the schools in high poverty areas? Do the high schools have a high dropout rate? Talk to community agencies to find out the needs your community has.
  • Talk to community agencies to find out how they see the needs in your area.
  • Survey potential volunteers to find where God is leading them.

Connect with our Literacy Missions Coordinator.

Shannon BrownShannon Brown serves as English as Second Language (ESL) Trainer for Louisiana Baptist Convention. Recently, she has become a National ESL Workshop Leader for NAMB and the NLMP (National Literacy Missions Partnership).

We are expanding her services to include all of Louisiana. If you are interested in hosting an ESL Class, please contact her at 504-345-5208 or by email.

For more information call the Missions & Ministry office at 318.448.3402.

Shannon Brown serves as English as Second Language (ESL) Trainer for Louisiana Baptist Convention.  She has primarily served in South Louisiana for 8 years.  Recently, she has become a National ESL Workshop Leader for NAMB and the NLMP (National Literacy Missions Partnership).

We are expanding her services to include all of Louisiana. If you are interested in hosting an ESL Class, please contact her at 504-345-5208 or by email.

For more information call the Missions & Ministry office at 318.448.3402.

Shannon Brown