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Adult Women

Adult Women

In Louisiana Baptist churches, every woman has purpose. We teach, we disciple, we lead; we learn, we plan, we participate. No matter our age or stage in life, God is working His purpose in and through each one of us. Women’s Missions & Ministry seeks to provide resources and encouragement for WMU mission groups and women’s Bible study groups, as well as churchwide involvement through special mission’s emphases and offerings.

For more information on Adult Women Missions & Ministry, email Christine Gill or call the Women’s Missions & Ministry office at 318.449.4268.

Additional Resources

Adults on Mission

Adults on Mission are mission’s discipleship groups that encourage women and men to work together to share the Gospel, following God’s call to service and missions. They are formatted to meet need in community, state or wherever God leads.


Each WMU missions organization is centered around God’s Word; myMission, for young adult women is no different. MyMission is for college students, young career women and young moms. It is designed to give young women an opportunity to explore their faith and live it out in missions actions.


The need for compassionate, genuine missions experience and relationships reaches across all culture and language groups. Resources are available for culture and language groups, designed for the church that seeks to engage all members in missional lifestyles.

Women’s Ministry

Women’s Ministry in the local church is discipleship-based, built on Bible study and learning and leads to ministry and Christian growth. Women’s Ministry, working with evangelism and Women on Mission, gives growth to women who choose to be a woman God uses to change our world.

Women on Mission

Through Women on Mission, women are equipped to become actively engaged in the Mission of God as they live on-mission for Him. This is expressed through mission opportunities, ministries, prayer, giving and Bible study.

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