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Genesis 32:24-32

Jacob’s struggle with the “man of God” sets the stage for some lessons we can learn. Jacob wrestled through the night with this unidentified “man of God.” Jacob demanded, “I will not let you go unless you bless me.” Can our wrestling with catastrophes like flooding bless us? They can if we are willing to learn some spiritual lessons through these events. These are not new lessons, but they are lessons that we seem to never learn. Ask God to help you to learn these lessons today.

Jacob’s story simply tells us that we can be blessed by some of the most difficult experiences of life. I want us to turn to several passages of Scripture today as we consider 3 separate “spiritual lessons” from these catastrophic events.

Lesson #1:  The Prayer Lesson

Scripture Reference: James 5:16 The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.

The first lesson that we can learn is the prayer lesson. May we learn over and over again that nothing is too difficult for God. We must always live with the confidence that God can do all things. Whether it is to destroy a storm or deliver us from the destruction of a storm, God is able. I have seen God do both. Notice the three questions that are answered by this verse.

What? Powerful Prayer There is a difference between praying and praying! Many people talk about prayer, but few people really pray!

Who? Righteous People Not perfect people, just people made right with God.

Does What? Accomplishes Much

I pray that we will never forget the continuing spiritual lesson that the powerful praying by righteous people accomplishes much.

Lesson #2:  The Possession Lesson

Scripture Reference: Luke 12:15 And He said to them, “Take heed and beware of covetousness, for one’s life does not consist in the abundance of things he possesses.”

The second lesson we can learn is a lesson concerning our possessions. Life altering events remind us that our lives do not consist of our possessions.

The Request: When Jesus was teaching on issues of life-and-death and heaven-and-hell, He was interrupted by a question concerning greed. Isn’t that the way it still is? When we ought to be focused on Heavenly, Kingdom issues, we continue to dwell on earthly things.

The Story: Jesus offers a parable, a short story, to show the ridiculous nature of trusting in earthly things.

The Moral: If you are going to be rich, you better be rich toward God.

God, help us to learn that life is not about possessions.

Lesson #3:  The Preparation Lesson

Scripture Reference: Amos 4:12 Prepare to meet your God, O Israel.

The final lesson is a lesson about preparation. It is one thing to be unprepared for an event like a storm, it is quite another thing to be ill-prepared for eternity.

The Lesson through the Eyes of the Unbeliever: Are you prepared to meet God? Don’t delay in preparing to meet God. He has come to our rescue. He alone can save you from your sin. He has entered our world in Jesus Christ, lived a sinless life, suffered, died, was buried, and rose again. Trust Him today to save you for eternity.

The Lesson through the Eyes of the Believer: The believer must also be prepared to meet God.Are you prepared to meet God? Is everybody you know prepared to meet God?

Check back to for further updates and encouraging words throughout the week.

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Dr. Steve Horn
Steve Horn serves as the Executive Director for Louisiana Baptists. He was born in Columbia, Louisiana, and grew up in Lafayette. He served as pastor of First Baptist Church in Lafayette from June 2005 through May 2019. Dr. Horn has served in numerous national and state denominational positions including President of the Louisiana Baptist Convention in 2014-2015 and President of the Executive Board of the LBC in 2010-2011. He is married to Linett and they have two sons, Joshua and Dru.

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